How to frame Objective-KPI for your process for improvement as per ISO 9001
Start with strategy
You should always start with strategy. Without a firm stake in the
ground around what your business is seeking to achieve, it’s incredibly easy to
end up with a dauntingly long list of possible indicators that you feel you
could or should measure.
Your strategy therefore acts as a starting point for designing
appropriate KPIs – but only if it’s clear! All too often companies create a
30–40-page strategy document that no one ever reads or understands. A great way
around this is to create a simple one-page strategy. This will help you clearly
define your objectives, and help you work out what you need to put in place to
achieve them.
2. Define the questions you need answers to
Linking your KPIs to your strategy will immediately sharpen your
focus and make the relevant KPIs more obvious. Identifying the questions you
need answers to will further narrow your focus, because questions give the
indicators context.
Once you are clear on the questions you need to answer, you can
make sure that every indicator you subsequently choose or design is relevant
not only to your strategy, but also provides the answers to very specific
questions that will guide your strategy and inform your decision making.
3. Identify your data needs
Once you know what questions you’re trying to answer, you need to
define your data needs to establish what KPIs, metrics or data you need in
order to answer those questions. In this phase, forget about reality for a
moment and consider what information and knowledge you want to have in an ideal
world. After all, everything can be measured!
4. Evaluate all existing data
Having worked out your ideal data in the previous step, perform a
gap analysis by comparing what data you would ideally like to have with what
you already have – that way you can easily see what’s missing. Ask yourself
what you need to change, tweak or implement to ensure the data collection is
completely aligned with the strategy and will fully answer the questions you
need answered. And then come up with the right indicators to deliver those
Remember, most companies are full of data. Often KPIs are already
being collected for all sorts of different reasons by different divisions and
different managers. It makes sense, therefore, to determine whether what you
need is already being gathered by someone somewhere in the business, or perhaps
it’s almost being collected and a few tweaks to the collection process would
deliver exactly what you need.
5. Find the right supporting data
KPIs are incredibly powerful in the right hands, but we need to
acknowledge that we also have access to vast quantities of supporting data that
is every bit as insightful and useful as traditional KPIs. By finding the right
supporting data – be it industry information, demographic data, trend
statistics, or whatever – you can triangulate and verify your findings.
6. Determine the right measurement methodology and frequency
Knowing what you need is one thing, working out how to access and
measure that information is another. Finding the right measurement methodology
is critical. Therefore, once you know what information you need to collect, you
need to find the right measurement methodology to get it. This is especially
true if you have to develop new KPIs or tweak existing ones.
It’s always preferable to align measurement frequency with how and
when the data is used in the organisation, because all data has a “shelf life”.
This means measurement frequency must be in line with the reporting frequency.
If it’s not, the data may lose impact and/or relevance. For example, if you
collect customer satisfaction data via survey in the summer and report on the
findings in the winter, then the findings are already six months out of date.
7. Assign ownership for your KPIs
Effective KPIs require two types of ownership. The first is the
ownership of the KPI in terms of its meaning and interpretation. Someone needs
to be in charge of looking at the KPI, interpreting its meaning, monitoring how
it’s changing and deciding what that means for the business.
The other ownership refers to the data collection. Sometimes you
can automate the process but, more often than not, data collection will require
some human interaction. Perhaps certain personnel are involved in transferring
data from one database to another, or they have to collect it manually. Again,
this ownership needs to be clearly set out and followed through.
8. Ensure KPIs are understood within your organisation
It’s essential that everyone in your business is aware of what
you’re trying to achieve, and how you’re measuring progress towards those
achievements. This is especially important for those who are charged with
ownership of the KPIs, but it’s also important for people right across the
business, at any level. KPIs should form part of the decision-making process
for every employee, and everyone should be able to answer the question, “How
will what I am doing today affect our KPIs?”
You therefore need to ensure everybody understands how the metrics
you are gathering are linked to your strategic priorities. This will increase
“buy in” – how personally involved and enthusiastic your staff feel about your
priorities – and ensure that constant review and improvement are at the heart
of everything your people do. If you simply tell everyone that they have to
collect a whole heap of extra data from now on without explaining why, you are
likely to end up with a very cynical and disengaged workforce!
9. Find the best way to communicate your KPIs
It’s always wise to think about how best to communicate your KPIs
so their insights are obvious, engaging and apparent to all. So many KPIs are
reported in long reports full of numbers or tables, perhaps with a traffic
light graphic to indicate urgency. This is not good enough. There is absolutely
no point hiding important insights in excessively long reports that no one ever
Really effective visualisations clearly illustrate trends and
variations in data, and engage the reader. Try to find the right picture for
your KPIs and create an explanation of the insights so that the nuggets of
wisdom extracted from the data are clear, unambiguous, accessible and, most
importantly ,actionable.
10. Review your KPIs to ensure they help improve performance
If a KPI isn’t useful in helping you or others in your business
make better decisions, which, in turn, will improve your business’s
performance, then it’s just noise. You therefore need to constantly review the
metrics you are measuring to make sure they are genuinely useful and you aren’t
spending hours (or asking your staff to spend hours) measuring data simply to
tick off boxes.
Used properly, KPIs provide a vital tool for improving
performance, making better business decisions and gaining a competitive
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