CARE OF VULNERABLE PATIENT



The hospital ensures that vulnerable patients (elderly, physically and / or mentally challenged and children) are protected from abuse, which we define as a violation of an individual’s human or civil rights by any other person or persons. A coordinated approach is used to manage any reported instance or suspicion of abuse against vulnerable patients admitted to the hospital.


Hospital has a sensitive, multi professional approach in dealing with disclosures of abuse or possible abuse. This is aimed to

      Protect the vulnerable patients from abuse

      Respond quickly and sensitively to any incident or suspected case of abuse to enable joint working of hospital personnel with external services when necessary.


Safe and Secure environment for vulnerable patient

      To ensure a safe environment for all vulnerable patients the hospital trains all staff members to be sensitive to such matters.

      Providing anti slip mats in the bathrooms and other surfaces that may need them physically ensures a safe and secure environment and providing beds with guard rails are available and used when the need arises.

      Documented procedures are available for restraining patient safely if the need is felt.

      Provision of facilities and on-site inspections to the vulnerable group of patients such that they are safe from abuse, are ensured by the management.


Informed consent

      Informed consent shall be taken as per informed consent policy


Training of the staff

Each department related with patient care shall include ‘care of vulnerable patient as a topic in their departmental training programme. Staff should be trained for care of vulnerable patients with respect to

      Understanding and recognizing vulnerable patients

      Principles of staged, step down care

      Moving and handling of vulnerable patients.

      Training in prevention and management of falls, unconscious patients, supervised feeding, decubitus ulceration (its prevention and care), interacting with caretakers for continued care.











Procedure to follow in case of abuse of vulnerable patient

S. No.

Procedural steps



When a case of abuse of a vulnerable patient is suspected or disclosed, the main consideration is the protection of the vulnerable patient.

All hospital staff



When such an event occur the senior member of the nursing team on duty is immediately informed. She / He will then inform the primary consultant. The concerns are documented in the medical records by the first person to report the abuse.

First person identifying the

abuse / senior member of nursing staff


The nursing head, Clinical consultant and Medical administrator form the investigating team. The medical administrator decides whether social services or the police need to be informed.

Medical administrator / primary consultant


A detailed investigation is carried out.



If the vulnerable adult is judged to be mentally competent, he can reject offers of assistance and refuse intervention.



If the investigating team cannot resolve the situation, appropriate social services are informed and a multi agency meeting is convened to resolve the issue.

Medical administrator


All these proceedings to be recorded and maintained by medical administrator

Medical administrator


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