
Showing posts from July, 2020


DO’S Firm Handshake Eye Contact Smile Open Posture Relaxed , but alert Look Neat & Professional Listen actively – Head nods Arrive early Dont’s Don’t cross your arms or legs   Have eye contact , but don’t stare Don’t be afraid to take up some space Relax your shoulders Nod when they are talking Lear, but not too much Smile and laugh Don’t touch your face


1.     Smile when you greet your customers. You want your customers to feel welcome, and that starts with your body language. Stand tall, smile, and approach them briskly. Everything about your manner should say “I’m glad you’re here!   2.     Dress professionally.   How you look is a key part of your greeting. You need to look like you care about your job. A conservative, professional outfit will convey that message. Unless you work in a store with a specific dress code that states otherwise, avoid provocative clothing that might offend customers or make them feel uncomfortable.     3.     Acknowledge the customer quickly.   80% of customers say they want to be noticed and nearly all welcome a friendly greeting. You don’t have to greet each customer right away, but you do need to acknowledge him or her with eye contact and a smile. ·         If stocking shelves ...


The World is suffering due to COVID 19.  At present  11,125,245  confirmed cases and   528,204  deaths. Most of the people affected by covid19 due to insufficient immunization power.  tHOSE PEOPLE HAS GOOD IMMUNIZATION POWER, THEY WILL NOT INFECTED BY THE VIRUS. IN INDIA, MOST OF THE PEOPLE USING TURMERIC, gARLIC, gINGER, IN FOOD MAKING PROCESS. sO, HERE DEATH RATE IS VERY LOW AND 60% PEOPLE ARE RECOVERED FROM THE VIRUS.  fIRST OF ALL, HOW TO IDENTIFY THE VIRUS AFFECTED PERSON? . tHEY HAVE COUGH, cOLD, hEAD ACHE AND BREATHING PROBLEM. sOME OF THEM NOT HAVING THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS , BUT THEY ARE SUFFERED TO THE VIRUS. tHEN hOW TO IDENTIFY?. tHE ONLY WAY IS lAB tEST. bY pROVIDING THE SAMPLES TO THE LAB. bASED ON THE TEST, WE CAN IDENTIFY THE PERSON AND ISOLATE THEM. PRovide treatment. How many labs got approval? which lab can test COVID 19 test?. Is there any criteria to test?. Yes. Government approved labs can take test for COVID19. How to get Approva...

Do's AND Don'ts - Customer Handling

Do’s 1.    Do all you can to see things from the customer’s point of view.   Be curious – ask questions. Dig deep to find out where they are coming from. 2.    Resist the temptation to defend yourself.   You are not under attack – you are simply the receiver of information, information you would never have had about your business if your customer hadn’t spoken up. Value it, and yourself, and there will be no need to get defensive. 3.    Treat your customer with respect, and honor their priorities and concerns.   Most people just want to be heard. Do a good job of that, and most complaints end right there. 4.    Respond directly, yourself, and without shame.   Be a leader in your own company, and respond to complaints yourself, if they are addressed to you. Come from a place of valuing yourself, and what you do. 5.    Be fair and even generous in refunding money,   if the customer still wants...