1. ORGANISATION (SEIRI) * Decide What You Need. * Remove Unnecessary Clutter. * All Tools, Gauges, Materials, Classified And Then Stored. * Remove Items Which Are Broken, Unusable Or Only Occasionally Used. Red Tag Technique * Give Staff Red Labels. * Ask Staff To Go Through Every Item In The Work Place. * Ask If Needed & Those That Are Needed, In What Quantity. * Not Needed - Red Tag It. * Store In The Red Tag Area. For Wavering Items * Place The Suspected Items In The Red Tag Area For One Week. * Allow The Staff To Reevaluate The Needed Items. * At The End Of Week Those Who Need Items Should Be returned. 2. ORDERLINESS (SEITON) * Once you have eliminated all the unneeded items. * Now turn to the left over items. * Organise layout of tools and equipment. * Designated locations * Use tapes and labels. * Ensure everything is available as it is needed and at the “point of use”. Workplace checkpoints:- *Positions of aisles and storage places clearly marked? *Tools c...