Indian Herbal Product - Nilavembu Kudineer for Corona Virus Recommended by Indian Govt.

How does Indian herbal work? NILAVEMBU KASHAYAM Famed as the ‘King Of Bitters’, Nilavembu, is one such Siddha herb that has innumerable immune-enhancing properties like anti-pyretic, cholagogue, digestive, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory and has been used as a traditional remedy for treating various ailments in the Ayurvedic and Siddha systems of medicine as well as in Unani, Homeopathy, Chinese remedies, and tribal medicine. Commonly termed as ‘Kalmegh’ in Hindi, this herb is the ultimate remedy for the treatment of different types of intermittent fever, which mostly occurs in ailments like malaria, dengue fever, chronic fever, and chikungunya. What Is Nilavembu? Nilavembu which goes by the botanical name, Andrographis paniculata, belongs to the Acanthaceae family. The annual herb that grows to a height of 30-110 cm is cultivated mostly around the autumn season and is widely cultivated throughout Asia. The herb bears dark green, quadrangular stems wit...